Problem follow-ups

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Post by osiris »

My suggestion is for when you get a "solved" to be able to "continue". I know this isn't possible all the times but it IS possible if another problem exists on the site with the same starting position. You could just take the ending "solved" postion and search for all problems that begin with that sequence, then display hyperlinks to these problems. I am aware this would turn out to be a pain, but i would think that it would be invalueable. This would probally be contingent on a search function (which of course is the hard part).

{Posted by osiris}

Post by admin »

that's an interesting suggestion. i think it may be simpler to have people manually link problems, which is something i've been meaning to do for a while.


My suggestion is for when you get a "solved" to be able to "continue". I know this isn't possible all the times but it IS possible if another problem exists on the site with the same starting position. You could just take the ending "solved" postion and search for all problems that begin with that sequence, then display hyperlinks to these problems. I am aware this would turn out to be a pain, but i would think that it would be invalueable. This would probally be contingent on a search function (which of course is the hard part).

{Posted by admin}

Post by osiris »

I think you would probally want both. 1) A way to hyperlink problems. So problem designers can make connections between 2 or more problems (like the problem series i see on this site). 2) An automated function like i suggested before. You may cache these links once a day/week/month or whatever your server can handle without effecting preformance automatically.

The reason i suggest an automatic searching function is because it may be hard for a problem creator to find the "continuing" problem in the vast array of problems you host.

Oh... and thanks for this wonderful resource!

{Posted by osiris}
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