WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2011-09-23 23:32:32frostburnNeeds FixingNot all the solutions are equally good under japanese scoring.
2013-02-19 13:28:05zzBETEPzzNeeds Fixingdescription
2014-03-29 22:48:56DuverNeeds FixingSi Blancoo Juega C-2 gana (If white play C-2 he win)
2015-03-26 20:15:47Veral42Invalidblack is not dead after tenuki, black may still form KO and fight with Ko threats: bC1, wC2, bD2 (result KO)
2016-03-13 23:37:35TrombaMarinaWell Constructed
2016-09-16 03:21:35SolliesWell Constructed
2017-05-05 22:42:12JplusWell Constructed
2018-04-11 22:21:01ulty4lifeNeeds FixingWhite needs one more move to make the seki.
2021-12-30 19:26:08katapliksiNeeds Fixingtenuki?
2023-01-13 15:49:46gnt100Needs Fixingwhite still needs to play d1 or d2 or it's dead