WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2015-06-01 06:12:50SiaubunasWell Constructed
2015-08-17 20:58:37SmarNeeds Fixingneeds more wrong vars for a18... I think it can live from that
2015-08-28 00:19:4512345678987654321Needs Fixing
2016-07-11 12:51:00goodnicegamNeeds Fixingbegin at E19 is also work
2017-03-24 15:56:44sn4114Needs Fixingtoo few variations
2018-07-04 19:47:09MunegNeeds Fixingb can play d18 if w plays a18 black playsc19if w plays b18 then b plays d17 then w can not live because he will get only 1 eye
2019-09-01 01:12:31trickynessNeeds Fixingaddress the ko