WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2016-03-08 17:02:55heyckieWell Constructed
2017-05-06 01:17:59PeccantisNeeds Fixingwhat is the objective? not obvious to 30-25 kyu
2018-03-09 22:21:09PyvInvalidirregular boards are confusing
2018-10-04 20:57:09vashthechibiInvalidThis problem is inpratical. It provides no usefull lession in a real game as the only way this could occur is if white were taking the triangle spaces, and then black is still dead.
2019-12-02 15:29:23freshkowiakInvalid
2020-01-05 17:22:51NeFiInvalidНет смысла
2020-03-07 14:21:10GoJohnGoInvalidMissing paths (e.g. w plays b2).
2022-03-01 18:14:27coolioNeeds FixingVery confusing, does not provide any idea of goal, uses symbols without defining them for the user. why did the triangles turn to stones out of nowhere?