I, as white, actually got away with the capture. The simplest answer is the correct one. My first problem, hopefully someone will benefit from it. Thanks so much to the people who caught my stupid mistakes right after I posted the problem...I had to make the problem simpler, but maybe that's better for editing anyway.
Author Windfoxj Created 2008-03-22
Difficulty 28 kyu (history) Source Novice Capture Game (me vs. 30k)
AVG solve time 27 sec Stars 3.26  (39 votes)
User attempts 15865 / 20360 Collections Connect, Amateur Game
Genre best move Your attempts N/A
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Created 2008-03-22
Source Novice Capture Game (me vs. 30k)
Stars 3.26  (39 votes)
Collections Connect, Amateur Game
Your attempts N/A