At the end of problem 2069 white has the option to play ko to save 6 stones at the top. This problem starts from this ko. There is some life and death involved. You should concentrate your attention upon black's group on the left and the two small white groups at the right and lower right. If you are looking to play D5 or E7 play D5 first if it hasn't already been played (no variations have E7 first) and similarly, play A19 before B19, and B12 before A12 if you feel they are required. The most tricky move is the first one. There are 103 correct paths included.
Author Spica Created 2003-03-29
Difficulty 9 dan (history) Source Some spare time
AVG solve time 133 sec Stars 1.5  (2 votes)
User attempts 22 / 1671 Collections Fun, Giant
Genre endgame Your attempts N/A
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Created 2003-03-29
Source Some spare time
Stars 1.5  (2 votes)
Collections Fun, Giant
Your attempts N/A