The problem got a bit long so I've split it into 3 problems which continue where the previous one left off. White needs to save the M3 and Q6 groups. Part 1 ends when white's M3 group is saved from immediate danger (without harming the Q6 group). Favourable ko's are OK.
Author Spica Created 2003-04-27
Difficulty 9 dan (history) Source Spica
AVG solve time 202 sec Stars 3.14  (7 votes)
User attempts 23 / 1733 Collections Fun, Giant, Ladder, No Man's Land
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2003-04-27
Source Spica
Stars 3.14  (7 votes)
Collections Fun, Giant, Ladder, No Man's Land
Your attempts N/A