"On the third line 6 stones live, 4 stones die" says the proverb. But what about 5 stones? Can you make them live unconditionally? Many thanks to Tails for disproving the book's solution and providing a new one... though it took me ages to work it all out. Editing time for this problem alone: hundreds of hours (@revision#109)
Author BartTM Created 2004-04-12
Difficulty 9 dan (history) Source Go proverbs illustrated
AVG solve time 30 sec Stars 4.4  (5 votes)
User attempts 439 / 2032 Collections N/A
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2004-04-12
Source Go proverbs illustrated
Stars 4.4  (5 votes)
Collections N/A
Your attempts N/A