This game featured a rather spectacular recovery from a losing position. White (the Captain) managed to turn a quarter of the board into a giant seki, and eventually won the game -- but can you do better than seki here?
Author MrMoto Created 2006-01-09
Difficulty 13 kyu (history) Source KGS: TheCaptain(4d) vs. Iamwhite(4d)
AVG solve time 71 sec Stars 3.12  (25 votes)
User attempts 2208 / 5766 Collections Connect, Amateur Game
Genre tesuji Your attempts N/A
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Created 2006-01-09
Source KGS: TheCaptain(4d) vs. Iamwhite(4d)
Stars 3.12  (25 votes)
Collections Connect, Amateur Game
Your attempts N/A