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strisser (3 dan) Rating: 91
Registered: 2002-12-23 Last Here: 2003-01-09

1795 joseki ferdi
1790 tesuji Kijana
1787 life and death ferdi
1592 best move chrisg
1521 best move unkx80
1519 life and death unkx80
1515 life and death unkx80
1505 tesuji unkx80
1419 life and death gecko
1416 tesuji gecko
1339 life and death JoeSeki
1330 life and death Joeseki
1296 life and death gecko
1291 life and death gecko
1281 life and death gecko
1258 life and death Daniel
1250 life and death nuke-marine
1244 tesuji adum
1216 tesuji adum
1207 endgame Spica
1205 life and death adum
1203 life and death Spica
1159 life and death unkx80
1115 life and death zatogo
1089 life and death adum
1088 tesuji adum
1085 life and death adum
1042 life and death adum
1022 life and death adum
990 life and death marcin
976 life and death vlkplk
936 life and death unkx80
918 fuseki Spirit
910 life and death Spirit
862 life and death Hans
824 endgame unkx80
779 tesuji adum
722 life and death unkx80
721 life and death unkx80
703 life and death adum
681 life and death unkx80
679 life and death unkx80
638 life and death unkx80
634 best move unkx80
620 life and death unkx80
616 life and death unkx80
611 life and death adum
604 life and death Spirit
599 life and death adum
574 life and death adum
536 life and death adum
472 life and death adum
453 life and death adum
451 life and death adum
438 life and death adum
434 tesuji hello
423 life and death Andre Engels
417 tesuji adum
391 life and death adum
376 endgame adum
369 life and death adum
361 tesuji adum
330 life and death adum
315 life and death adum
304 best move adum
299 tesuji adum
273 life and death Daniel
247 tesuji Spirit
236 best move Spirit
220 tesuji adum
206 life and death adum
205 life and death Spirit
183 endgame Spirit
161 tesuji Spirit
148 best move adum
90 life and death adum
77 life and death adum
71 life and death adum
65 life and death adum
57 life and death adum
53 life and death adum
49 life and death adum