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alfredo (4k* for igs) Rating: 15
Registered: 2001-10-26 Last Here: 2005-08-15

6093 tesuji
4779 life and death shaydwyrm
4756 life and death shaydwyrm
1409 tesuji gecko
1370 endgame gecko
1367 endgame gecko
1344 life and death Daniel
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1330 life and death Joeseki
1326 life and death Simaldeff
1324 life and death gecko
1322 life and death gecko
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1203 life and death Spica
1201 tesuji hello
1200 life and death Spica
1194 life and death BigMetalGuy
1193 life and death BigMetalGuy
1189 life and death BigMetalGuy
1182 life and death BigMetalGuy
1181 life and death BigMetalGuy
1176 life and death madeline
1157 life and death unkx80
53 life and death adum
25 life and death adum
22 life and death adum
13 life and death adum
5 tesuji adum