WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2012-03-24 16:18:06gosplayWell Constructed
2012-09-20 00:12:42AlguienNeeds FixingThe question is posed with "white to move" but then b moves first.
2013-08-13 02:53:02MatrokWell Constructed
2013-11-14 04:37:18CoolSmurfInvalidweird change of color
2013-12-25 05:46:42PluchoWell Constructed
2015-10-15 12:31:55MakasanchikWell Constructed
2018-04-15 13:56:12fairformWell Constructed
2019-03-13 12:56:16arbitrageftwNeeds FixingSome incorrect paths are marked as correct due to misplays by black
2020-04-30 19:29:11kzlNeeds Fixingsome valid paths don't work