(;AB[pp]AB[qn]AW[dq]AW[cn]AW[gq]AB[jq]LB[oq:A]LB[mq:B]C[A or B?]AP[goproblems]
(;B[oq]C[Safely enclosed the corner. White is not strong (thick) or close to the marked stone, so an invasion on the side is unlikely to succeed.RIGHT])
(;B[mq]C[Black's corner is decently secure for now, but there's aji. If white gets some support around R8, she could invade.]
(;W[nq]C[...This doesn't seem to work very well.]
(;W[qq]C[Bad idea.];B[pq];W[pr];B[or];W[rr];B[rp];W[qp];B[ro];W[qo];B[po]C[White dies.])
(;B[qq];W[nq];B[pr];W[op];B[pq];W[np];B[nr];W[mr];B[os];W[lq]C[Depends on this ladder, I think.])
(;B[pr];W[qq];B[nr];W[op];B[os];W[po];B[qp];W[qo];B[rp];W[ro];B[rq];W[oo]C[White's move depends on the situation.])
(;B[jl]C[This is here just to match the board view in the book.]))