This position occurred in a pro game. The problem deals with the end of a 3-4 joseki. Even if all the board is shown, the problem is local so think locally!
Author psblue Created 2011-03-28
Difficulty 16 kyu (history) Source Gu Li Vs. Cho U (2009-01-17)
AVG solve time 43 sec Stars 3.5  (18 votes)
User attempts 3502 / 8174 Collections Semeai / Capturing Race, Cutting, Pro Game, 3-4 (komoku) Joseki
Genre best move Your attempts N/A
Similar problems
Created 2011-03-28
Source Gu Li Vs. Cho U (2009-01-17)
Stars 3.5  (18 votes)
Collections Semeai / Capturing Race, Cutting, Pro Game, 3-4 (komoku) Joseki
Your attempts N/A