You are a great mage trying to perform a very cool trick - making someone disappear! If you succeed you will be famous and considered very cool. If you fail then people will think you suck. Be careful!
Pick one volunteer (A,B or C) you will make disappear with one small move after wrapping him/her into the white stuff. An example of how wrapping into the white stuff works is presented in the upper part of the board.
Yai, my 150th problem! :-)
(;AB[ek]AB[co]AB[dg]AB[cg]AB[ch]AB[ci]AB[dh]AB[di]AB[do]AB[kp]AB[jp]AB[kn]AB[kk]AB[jk]AB[ik]AB[lk]AB[sk]AB[sl]AB[sm]AB[sn]AB[rk]AB[qk]AB[pk]AB[ak]AB[al]AB[am]AB[bk]AB[cj]AB[bg]AB[bh]AB[bi]AB[dk]AB[el]AB[em]AB[cl]AB[cm]AB[cn]AB[dp]AB[dq]AB[bo]AB[bp]AB[bq]AB[gl]AB[hk]AB[jj]AB[jl]AB[jm]AB[ji]AB[ki]AB[kh]AB[kg]AB[jg]AB[ig]AB[ih]AB[ii]AB[ll]AB[ml]AB[hl]AB[in]AB[jn]AB[io]AB[ko]AB[ip]AB[iq]AB[kq]AB[ok]AB[om]AB[on]AB[ol]AB[pm]AB[qm]AB[rm]AB[ql]AB[qn]AB[qo]AB[rp]AB[rq]AB[pp]AB[pq]AB[qj]AB[qi]AB[ph]AB[pg]AB[qg]AB[rg]AB[rh]AB[ri]AB[pi]AB[qh]LB[cr:A]LB[jr:B]LB[qr:C]AB[po]AB[ro]AB[pl]AB[rl]C['Ladies and gentleman! I need one volunteer, one who I will wrap into a white stuff and then make him or her disappear just here in front of you and with just a one little move!' Three people raise their hands, three volunteers. Pick one and perform the trick!FORCE]AB[fb]AB[gb]AB[hb]AB[hc]AB[hd]AB[gd]AB[fd]AB[fc]LB[jc:-->]AW[le]AW[me]AW[ne]AW[oe]AW[pe]AW[pd]AW[pc]AW[pb]AW[pa]AW[na]AW[oa]AW[ma]AW[la]AW[lb]AW[lc]AW[ld]AB[md]AB[mc]AB[mb]AB[nb]AB[ob]AB[od]AB[nd]AB[oc]AP[goproblems]
(;W[cr]AW[cq]AW[cp]AW[br]AW[aq]AW[ap]AW[ao]AW[an]AW[bn]AW[bm]AW[bl]AW[bj]AW[aj]AW[ai]AW[ah]AW[ag]AW[af]AW[bf]AW[cf]AW[df]AW[ef]AW[eg]AW[eh]AW[ei]AW[ej]AW[dj]AW[fk]AW[fl]AW[fm]AW[fn]AW[dl]AW[dm]AW[dn]AW[en]AW[eo]AW[ep]AW[eq]AW[dr]AW[er]AW[ar]AW[fj]AW[fi]AW[fh]AW[fg]AW[ff]AW[fo]AW[fp]AW[fq]AW[fr];B[aa]C[You pick the firts one. 'What is your name?' 'Bonifac' 'Okay Bonifac, come here! Now, wait a minute, I'll wrap you.. and done. Now watch this!'];W[ck]C[Whoooa! With just a one slight move you make Bonifac disappear! Tha audience is shocked for a moment and then they start shouting things like 'hooray!' and 'you are very cool mage!'. And what will happen to Bonifac? You will give him back after the magic formula 'pass pass' is spoken!RIGHT])
(;W[jr]AW[jq]AW[ir]AW[hq]AW[hp]AW[ho]AW[hn]AW[hm]AW[im]AW[il]AW[gm]AW[fl]AW[gk]AW[hj]AW[ij]AB[jj]AW[hi]AW[hh]AW[hg]AW[if]AW[jf]AW[kf]AW[lg]AW[lh]AW[li]AW[kj]AW[lj]AW[mk]AW[nl]AW[kl]AW[mm]AW[lm]AW[kr]AW[lq]AW[lp]AW[lo]AW[ln]AW[km]AW[fm]AW[fk]AW[gj]AW[hf]AW[lf]AW[mj]AW[nk]AW[nm]AW[hr]AW[lr]C[You pick the woman in a skirt. 'What is your name?' 'Eliska' 'Okay Eliska, come here! Now, wait a minute, I'll wrap you.. and done. Now watch this!' You try to make Eliska disappear with one move, but nothing happens! Oh no! 'Boooo!' say the audience - the trick has failed! :-(])
(;W[qr]AW[rj]AW[sj]AW[si]AW[sh]AW[sg]AW[rf]AW[qf]AW[pf]AW[og]AW[oh]AW[oi]AW[pj]AW[oj]AW[of]AW[sf]AW[nk]AW[nl]AW[nm]AW[nn]AW[oo]AW[op]AW[oq]AB[po]AW[pr]AW[qq]AW[qp]AW[rr]AW[sq]AW[sp]AW[so]AW[sr]AW[or]AW[nj]AW[ni]AW[nh]AW[ng]AW[nf]AW[no]AW[np]AW[nq]AW[nr]C[You pick the slightly overweight man. 'What is your name?' 'Evzen' 'Okay Evzen, come here! Now, wait a minute, I'll wrap you.. and done. Now watch this!' You try to make Evzen disappear with one move, but nothing happens! Oh no! 'Boooo!' say the audience - the trick has failed! :-(FORCE]))