I was playing a 5d KGS with 2 stones handicap. The beginning was a bit shaky, rapidly progressing into a fight, but we made exchanges and settled the running groups. In the middle game, we made another exchange that allowed me to capture White's corner at the cost of the center. Going into the endgame, I had a very slight lead. And then this happened. In the end, White won by 8.5 points. Looks like I need to brush up on my reading...
Author DarkSycthe Created 2011-07-27
Difficulty 4 kyu (history) Source Modified from my KGS game (Jokersaku [5d] vs. DarkScythe [3d])
AVG solve time 100 sec Stars 4  (16 votes)
User attempts 655 / 2030 Collections Stories, Side based, Game based
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2011-07-27
Source Modified from my KGS game (Jokersaku [5d] vs. DarkScythe [3d])
Stars 4  (16 votes)
Collections Stories, Side based, Game based
Your attempts N/A