AW[ea][fa][bb][fb][gb][bc][dc][ec][fc][fd][ee][df][ff][cg][dg][eg][ah][bh][ch]AB[ca][da][cb][db][eb][cc][dd][ed][be][de][bf][cf][ag][bg]C[Best move for black
;W[ae]CR[ae]C[RIGHT Good job. Seki in sente.])
;W[ad]CR[ad]C[RIGHT Good job. Seki in sente.])
;W[ae]CR[ae]C[Come on! Capture it! Capture it!])
;W[ad]LB[ca:A][da:B][cb:C][db:D][eb:E][cc:F][bd:G][cd:H][dd:I][ed:J][be:K][ce:L][de:M][bf:N][cf:O][ag:P][bg:Q]CR[ad]C[I've marked the dead stones just in case you were wondering... All the way to Q])
;W[ae]CR[ae]C[Come on! Capture it! Capture it!])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[Yeah, that went well.... :)])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[Nononono... not best move to die quickly...])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[The white stones gave you a boo-boo])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[Look at the cute lil' guy hiding in the corner while his friends die... I'll call him Jim.])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[Seemed like a good idea... wait... no it didn't...])
;W[cd]CR[cd]C[Please bunch the stones up more if you can...]))