Since no one else seems like they're going to, I thought I'd clean this up and make it a real problem, because it certainly has some interesting moves in it.
(;SZ[19]AW[ea]AW[ka]AW[db]AW[eb]AW[kb]AW[dc]AW[kc]AW[dd]AW[id]AW[jd]AW[kd]AW[ee]AW[fe]AW[ge]AW[he]AB[fa]AB[ja]AB[fb]AB[jb]AB[ec]AB[ic]AB[jc]AB[ed]AB[fd]AB[gd]AB[hd]C[White to kill. Yes, it actually can be done.]GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:2]ST[2]RU[Japanese]KM[0.00]TM[]PL[W]
(;W[gb];B[fc]LB[ie:T]C[T for tenuki?]
(;W[ib];B[ha]LB[ie:T]C[T for tenuki?]
(;B[ga]C[CHOICE];W[gc]C[Just because it feels so good... RIGHT])
(;B[ie]C[ Assuming the life of the group is in question...CHOICE];W[ga]C[Eye in the stomach. RIGHT]))
(;B[ia]C[CHOICE];W[gc]C[Just because it feels so good... RIGHT])
(;B[ie]C[ Assuming the life of the group is in question...CHOICE];W[ia]C[Eye in the stomach. RIGHT]))
(;W[gc]C[Seki. But why?])
(;W[ie];B[ha]C[Now what?]
(;W[gc]C[A nakade, good for you. RIGHT])
(;W[ib];B[gc]C[Wrong way. Bent four is alive.]))
(;B[ib]C[CHOICE];W[ia]C[Ko. It's in white's favor so hey, you win I guess. RIGHT]))
(;B[ia]C[Seki. CHOICE])
(;B[ga]C[Seki. CHOICE]))
(;W[ia];B[ha]C[Ko, in black's favor.])
(;W[gc];B[ha]C[Almost, but not quite.])
(;W[ha]C[Good. RIGHT]))
(;W[ha];B[ib]LB[ie:T]C[T for tenuki?]
(;W[ia]C[Not seki. RIGHT])
(;W[gc]C[Not seki. RIGHT])
(;W[ga]C[Not seki. RIGHT])
(;W[ha]C[Not seki. RIGHT])
(;W[ga];B[ha]C[Ko in black's favor.])
(;W[gc];B[gb]C[Two eyes.])
(;W[ga];B[gb]C[Two eyes.])
(;W[ha];B[gb]C[Two eyes.])
(;W[ia];B[gb]C[Two eyes.])
(;W[ib];B[gb]C[Two eyes.])
(;W[fc];B[gb]C[Two eyes.]))
(;W[hc];B[gc];W[hc]C[Nice. RIGHT])
(;B[gc]C[CHOICE];W[fc];B[fb]TR[fc]TR[hc]C[False eyes. RIGHT]))
(;W[hc];B[gc]C[Not yet.])
(;B[gb]C[ Alive.CHOICE])
(;B[hb];W[gb];B[fc];W[hc];B[gc];W[hc]C[Now, if only black would do that...]))