PW[SoDesuNe]PB[Schwarz]AW[dc][fc][cd][ce][dl][dm][hm][cn][dn][en][hn][qn][ho][io][cp][gp][hp][ip][jp][qp][cq][dq][iq][nq][qq][pr][qr]AB[pd][de][cf][df][cj][dk][cl][cm][fm][gn][in][jn][do][fo][go][jo][po][dp][ep][kp][np][pp][eq][jq][kq][oq][pq][or]TR[dk]C[Black just played the marked shape move but is it really?]
Could you read this all the way before playing the marked stone? ; )])
;B[fs]LB[ir:B][ds:A]C[Either ko in the corner or connection.])
;B[ao]C[You sure you want to fight like this?
You could have it all a lot cleaner.])))
;B[bp]C[Unneccessary exchange.])
;B[gm]C[Too easy on Black.]))
;B[ek]LB[em:A][bn:B]C[Can't cut A because of B.])
;B[ap]C[Tasty dangos all around us.]))