About gogalar rules, please read here. http://www.goproblems.com/user/usergroup.php?id=233 There are many go rules Chinese rules, Japanese rules, Korean rules, American rules, AGA rules and New Zealand rules. I wanted to create my own rules. 1. Not to recapture ko even if there are ko threats. 2. Scoring are New Zealand rules included. 3. If one player passes with no intersections to play, if another player passes after making the territory unconditionally, the faster territory made player wins. 4. You can use Irregular boards.
Author gogalar gomidensha6 Created 2021-05-23
Difficulty 29 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 33 sec Stars 1  (6 votes)
User attempts 192 / 239 Collections Whole Board Positions, Irregular board, gogalar rules
Genre endgame Your attempts N/A
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Created 2021-05-23
Source N/A
Stars 1  (6 votes)
Collections Whole Board Positions, Irregular board, gogalar rules
Your attempts N/A