(;TR[qo]LB[lp:a][rp:b]AB[lo][mm][mo][np][nr][op][or][pp][pq]AW[ko][kp][mp][mq][no][nq][oo][oq][po][qo]C[FORCE]AP[Sabaki:0.52.2]PW[JpLennon]PB[Vortex]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]DT[2010-01-31]PL[B]CA[UTF-8](;B[lp]TR[mq][mp][nq][oq]LB[pr:A]C[Playing here is worth about 14 points over playing away in an empty corner. The stones marked with a triangle are dead. White would have played at A if you played away, saving the marked stones. Your move prevents white from making about 10 points in the corner. RIGHT])(;B[rp];W[iq]TR[mq][mp][nq][oq]C[This loses about 8 points. The stones marked with a triangle are saved. Black makes about 11 corner points, but this isn't enough. ]))