(;FF[4]GM[1]CA[UTF-8]AP[goproblems:0.1.0]SZ[19]ST[0]AB[bq][cr][dr][eq][fq][gp][go][eo][do][co][hq][jp][cp]AW[dq][dp][ep][fp][fo][gn][fm][io][cm][gq](;W[gr]TR[hp]TR[er]C[Correct! This creates a miai between the cutting points at E2 and H4RIGHT])(;W[hp];B[gr])(;W[fr];B[gr])(;W[ho];B[hp])(;W[ip];B[hp])(;W[er];B[gr])(;W[hn];B[gr])(;W[iq];B[ip])(;W[ao]C[Note to the reader, there are some interesting and complicated variations down the correct path. For simplicity, I am just cutting it off immediately at G2, because I am intending for this to be a DDK level "spot the aji" sort of puzzle.NOTTHIS]))