(;C[White to save as much of his stones, as possible :)FORCE]AB[ii]AB[ji]AB[li]AB[ki]AB[lj]AB[mj]AB[mk]AB[ml]AW[ll]AW[lk]AW[kj]AW[jj]AW[hj]AW[hk]AW[il]AB[jm]AB[jl]AB[kn]AB[mn]AB[ln]AB[im]AW[hm]AB[hn]AW[hl]AW[hi]AB[in]AP[goproblems]
(;W[jk]C[Nice! ^.^ (By creating a bamboo joint, you secured a connection to the outside, while protecting the cut at L9 :)RIGHT])
(;W[ij];B[kk]C[Aww.. You lost some stones.. :(])
(;W[ik];B[kk]C[Aww.. You lost some stones.. :(])
(;W[ik];B[jk]C[Aww.. You lost them, all .. :(])
(;W[jk];B[ik]C[Aww.. You lost them, all .. :(]))
(;W[ik];B[jk]C[Aww.. You lost them, all .. :(])
(;W[jk];B[ik]C[Aww.. You lost them, all .. :(])
(;W[kk];B[ik]C[Aww.. You lost them, all .. :(])))