(;SZ[19]AB[ra]AB[qa]AB[pa]AB[qb]AB[qc]AB[pc]AB[oc]AB[od]AB[qd]AB[rd]AB[re]AW[pb]AW[ob]AW[oa]AW[na]AW[nc]AW[nd]AW[ne]AW[oe]AW[pe]AW[pd]AW[qe]AW[rf]AW[sb]TR[sb]C[Sai of Hikaru no Go, cosplayed at Ushicon 2004 by someone who was actually playing Go, overlooked that the marked stone really did not kill Black. He proceeded to instruct his opponent that the formation was dead in the aftergame until I asked to take over and saved it, winning the game... Black to live, defeat Sai!]FF[1]GM[1]AP[Jago:Version 4.53];B[sc]C[Correct, this is the key move to life, finish saving your stones...CHOICE]
(;W[se]C[Sai's first ideaCHOICE];B[rb]C[Life for black, Sai loses!RIGHT])
(;W[rb]C[Sai's second choiceCHOICE];B[se]C[Second solution, depending on Sai's reaction, congratulations!RIGHT]))