(;TR[bc]LB[bb:a]LB[db:b]LB[ec:c]AB[bc][bg][cc][cf][ch][dd][de][df][fd][fe][gc][ic]AW[be][bf][cb][cd][ce][ci][dc][di][eh][fb][ff][gb][gf]C[FORCE]AP[goproblems autoextractor]PW[Laza]PB[Crovis]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]DT[2010-02-12]PL[W]GPKEY[local choice]DIFF[20k]HSL[+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
(;W[bb]TR[bc]TR[cc]SQ[be]SQ[ce]SQ[cd]SQ[bf]LB[db:A]C[Playing here is worth about 18 points over playing away in an empty corner. The stones marked with a triangle are dead. The stones marked with a square are alive. Black would have played at A if you played away. Black would likely play away next. RIGHT])
(;W[db];B[bb]TR[bc]TR[cc]SQ[be]SQ[ce]SQ[cd]SQ[bf]C[This loses about 19 points. The stones marked with a triangle are alive. The stones marked with a square are dead. ])
(;W[ec];B[bb]TR[bc]TR[cc]SQ[be]SQ[ce]SQ[cd]SQ[bf]C[This loses about 20 points. The stones marked with a triangle are alive. The stones marked with a square are dead. ]))