(;CA[utf-8]AP[goproblems autoextractor]AB[po][pp][pq][qp][ro][sp]AW[pr][qo][qq][rp][rr]TR[sp]LB[rq:a][sq:b]DT[2010-02-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http\://www.gokgs.com/]PB[miao]PW[Marek]C[FORCE](;W[rq]LB[qn:B]C[Honte. Playing here is worth about 6 points over playing away in an empty corner. Black would have played at the same place if you played away. Black would likely play at B next. RIGHT])(;W[sq];B[rq]C[White T3 was too aggressive, now white is in trouble. This loses about 12 points. Black makes about 6 corner points. ]))