(;B[no];W[mp];B[op];W[oo];B[op]C[Bingo !RIGHT])
(;B[oo];W[op]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.])
(;B[mp];W[no]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.])
(;B[op];W[oo]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.]))
(;B[np];W[rq]C[Black dies.])
(;B[no];W[rq]C[Black dies.])
(;B[oo];W[nq];B[mq];W[np]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.])
(;B[mp];W[no];B[oo];W[np]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.])
(;B[rq];W[nq]C[White escapes, and black is dead in the corner.]))