AW[dd][qi][pm][qn][po][cp]AB[oc][qd][qo][qp][eq][nq][pq]LB[jc:B][qf:A][cj:C][hq:D]C[Which is the important area?]
(;W[dj]C[since the lower left white stone is low it is hard to develop good coordination of the stones quickly.])
(;W[qf]LB[qg:A]C[RIGHT This is the correct move in the correct area. From black's point of view A would have been a good point to extend as well as threaten the white stones on that side.
(;W[jc]C[This gives black the chance to extend in the direction he is inclined to extend in, not to mention threaten white stones in the process.
(;W[iq]C[the value of any move on the lower side is reduced by black's already strong position on the right.
(;W[hq]C[the value of any move on the lower side is reduced by black's already strong position on the right.