(;W[me]TR[pc]TR[qc]C[Yes, the Q17 group is dead. This move has chances for life.RIGHT])
(;W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[qb]TR[rd]TR[re]C[White is unhappy because the marked exchange needlessly ruins her forcing moves. (aji-keshi)])
(;W[pa];B[mc]C[white gets sealed in on both sides])
(;W[qe];B[rc]TR[nc]TR[od]C[Because of the marked exchange, black can answer aggressively.])))
(;W[oa];B[nd];W[rc]C[];B[rd]C[Per bass, getting sealed in is not good for white. In some game positions living small in the corner may be the best white can get.])
(;W[pb];B[rc];W[rb]C[];B[od]C[Per bass, getting sealed in on both sides is not good for white. In some game positions, living small may be the best that white can get.])
(;W[od];B[nc]C[];W[rd]C[];B[re]C[Per bass, getting sealed in on both sides is not good for white. There are some positions where living small may be the best white can do.];W[rc];B[qf];W[pa])
(;W[qb]C[White lives small in the corner.];B[gj]C[White lives small in the corner.]))