This is a game between a 7k and a 15k with a 8 handi. The 15k didn't spot this, but lived anyway with another method (The position shown here is not exactly the same as the original position since a few black stones that captured N5 group have been omitted. Also, white does not make the best responses here!
Author Bleedo Created 2007-04-10
Difficulty 19 kyu (history) Source blairz74 vs. Khonsu
AVG solve time 51 sec Stars 4.41  (22 votes)
User attempts 4882 / 10749 Collections Self made, Game based
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2007-04-10
Source blairz74 vs. Khonsu
Stars 4.41  (22 votes)
Collections Self made, Game based
Your attempts N/A