IMPORTANT: This is atari-go! The first to capture, no matter what, immediately wins. To preserve my sanity, I have not added all the possible variations for starting multiple ladders at a time, so don't discontinue a ladder and continue it later. This problem was quite complicated, so if I'm missing a correct variation please comment. Also, I wasn't sure of what incorrect variations to add so if you would like me to add one, commment as well.
Author ketran0 Created 2007-04-12
Difficulty 9 dan (history) Source Inspired by Field Mouse's atari-go problem
AVG solve time 116 sec Stars 5  (1 votes)
User attempts 13 / 561 Collections Fun, Giant, Ladder, Strange
Genre tesuji Your attempts N/A
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Created 2007-04-12
Source Inspired by Field Mouse's atari-go problem
Stars 5  (1 votes)
Collections Fun, Giant, Ladder, Strange
Your attempts N/A