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gedh2 (7k kgs) Rating: 26
Registered: 2004-07-10 Last Here: 2006-02-24
Time Trial Results

6774 endgame
6472 best move
6343 best move
5632 best move
6056 tesuji marwin
6054 tesuji marwin
6053 tesuji marwin
5985 life and death marwin
5982 life and death marwin
5929 endgame Andre Engels
5920 life and death alpc
5914 life and death marwin
5913 life and death marwin
5907 life and death marwin
5905 tesuji lakeland
5898 life and death marwin
5896 life and death BartTM
5895 life and death Andre Engels
5892 life and death BartTM
5890 life and death AbuDhabi
5870 life and death unkx80
5850 life and death assacra
5835 tesuji maba
5826 best move marwin
5796 life and death marwin
5787 life and death mrmoto
5781 endgame wtd
5777 life and death santa c
5772 life and death maba
5768 life and death maba
5765 life and death santa c
5760 life and death maba
5752 endgame bogus
5741 tesuji maba
5737 life and death assacra
5731 life and death maba
5726 tesuji maba
5717 tesuji maba
5713 life and death maba
5710 endgame maba
5693 tesuji maba
5651 life and death santa c
5633 endgame wtd
5563 life and death nutcase
5550 life and death nutcase
5548 life and death nutcase
5545 life and death nutcase
5538 life and death brightwater
5525 life and death nutcase
5523 life and death nutcase
5518 tesuji munisai79
5508 life and death nutcase
5504 life and death nutcase
5498 life and death nutcase
5495 life and death nutcase
5494 tesuji nutcase
5490 life and death nutcase
5487 life and death nutcase
5486 life and death nutcase
5485 tesuji nutcase
5483 life and death nutcase
5476 life and death nutcase
5475 life and death nutcase
5472 life and death nutcase
5455 tesuji nutcase
5454 endgame bass
5450 life and death nutcase
5445 life and death nutcase
5438 life and death nutcase
5434 life and death nutcase
5430 life and death nutcase
5425 life and death hello
5415 tesuji brightwater
5410 tesuji brightwater
5409 tesuji brightwater
5408 tesuji brightwater
5390 life and death marwin
5381 life and death Shkola
5380 life and death Shkola
5375 life and death santa c
5339 tesuji brightwater
5317 life and death Emile
5308 life and death marwin
5302 life and death brightwater
5297 tesuji brightwater
5296 life and death brightwater
5287 life and death marwin
5267 life and death munisai79
5250 tesuji Spirit
5246 life and death adum
5243 life and death unkx80
5242 life and death unkx80
5241 life and death unkx80
5223 life and death nutcase
5214 life and death nutcase
5190 life and death marwin
5148 life and death marwin
5130 life and death santa c
5126 life and death marwin
5111 life and death marwin
5108 life and death marwin
5098 tesuji karmaGfa
5095 life and death marwin
5085 life and death marwin
5081 life and death marwin
5073 life and death marwin
5071 life and death marwin
5064 life and death marwin
5063 life and death marwin
5028 life and death marwin
5018 life and death Hans
5009 life and death lok
4990 life and death tails
4907 endgame bass
4897 endgame wtd
4871 life and death transcend
4869 tesuji lok
4857 endgame wtd
4854 life and death Hans
4837 life and death transcend
4810 life and death santa c
4808 tesuji transcend
4758 life and death shaydwyrm
4757 life and death shaydwyrm
4755 tesuji adum
4701 life and death santa c
4699 life and death assacra
4696 life and death santa c
4583 tesuji adum
4570 life and death chrise
4539 life and death assacra
4534 life and death assacra
4511 life and death guff
4493 life and death assacra
4466 life and death assacra
4435 life and death assacra
4413 life and death tails
4412 life and death tails
4300 life and death Lok
4261 life and death unkx80
4224 life and death BartTM
4208 endgame wtd
4198 life and death munisai79
4189 joseki Alexxp
4124 life and death adum
4118 endgame klapaucius
4105 endgame wtd
4095 life and death BartTM
4093 life and death adum
4092 tesuji santa c
4086 life and death Hans
4075 life and death Hans
4064 life and death BartTM
4063 life and death adum
4061 best move chrisg
4053 life and death adum
4041 endgame adum
4035 life and death santa c
4009 life and death tails
3918 life and death BartTM
3904 life and death Florian
3900 tesuji Barthoze
3897 life and death Florian
3849 tesuji kingdavid
3847 tesuji kingdavid
3844 endgame wtd
3840 tesuji adum
3839 life and death unkx80
3817 life and death bass
3803 life and death ferdi
3786 life and death happyboy
3785 life and death adum
3780 best move adum
3738 life and death happyboy
3735 life and death rex
3734 life and death Warp
3733 life and death ferdi
3726 life and death ferdi
3724 life and death Warp
3704 life and death bass
3689 endgame adum
3688 endgame wtd
3672 life and death ferdi
3666 life and death hello
3665 endgame ferdi
3655 tesuji Bildstein
3613 life and death davyu
3582 tesuji adum
3573 endgame santa c
3561 tesuji adum
3558 life and death bass
3551 endgame kochi
3544 life and death santa c
3523 life and death santa c
3508 life and death santa c
3482 best move hubin_at
3439 life and death santa c
3433 tesuji kochi
3430 tesuji kochi
3412 best move Warp
3411 life and death santa c
3326 life and death hello
3318 life and death adum
3300 best move tderz
3294 life and death SDE
3280 life and death tderz
3278 endgame Spirit
3261 life and death WWSD
3257 life and death polo
3244 life and death polo
3195 life and death ZhuGeLiuYun
3166 life and death bass
3165 life and death tails
3164 life and death tails
3148 endgame highflyer
3145 best move Warp
3119 life and death ZhuGeLiuYun
3111 life and death ZhuGeLiuYun
3100 life and death hubin_at
3086 life and death Warp
3085 life and death adum
3083 life and death Warp
3061 life and death rex
3032 tesuji bass
3000 fuseki wtd
2989 tesuji unkx80
2984 tesuji rex
2959 best move adum
2934 best move karmaGfa
2933 life and death wtd
2910 life and death rex
2900 life and death adum
2849 life and death Lothe
2847 life and death Daniel
2844 tesuji adum
2838 life and death Kijana
2832 endgame tmcooper
2829 life and death Hans
2826 endgame Hans
2824 tesuji Kijana
2816 life and death ZeroTalent
2805 life and death JoeSeki
2799 best move adum
2782 life and death liopic
2778 life and death Hans
2764 life and death Spica
2758 endgame Hans
2695 best move wtd
2674 best move cheyenne
2673 best move cheyenne
2672 best move cheyenne
2669 best move cheyenne
2668 best move cheyenne
2667 best move cheyenne
2654 life and death adum
2652 life and death adum
2643 tesuji ferdi
2622 life and death Spirit
2621 endgame Spica
2603 life and death Spica
2599 life and death Spirit
2598 life and death Spirit
2597 life and death Spirit
2596 tesuji Spirit
2304 life and death picketfence
2302 life and death adum
2300 life and death Spica
2266 life and death unkx80
2265 life and death unkx80
2264 life and death unkx80
2232 life and death picketfence
2227 tesuji kPROTein
2197 endgame ferdi
2182 life and death Hans
2063 life and death Karen B
2062 tesuji picketfence
2026 tesuji lieten
2019 best move picketfence
2018 best move picketfence
1980 endgame ferdi
1916 life and death Spica
1887 tesuji kPROTein
1884 endgame adum
1831 tesuji marcin
1817 endgame Kijana
1805 endgame ferdi
1773 life and death Momotaro
1663 life and death Wervyn
1653 life and death Kijana
1465 endgame varg
1437 tesuji gecko
1413 tesuji gecko
1402 tesuji unkx80
1367 endgame gecko
1324 life and death gecko
1320 life and death gecko
1312 life and death gecko
1301 life and death gecko
1288 life and death gecko
1286 life and death gecko
1285 life and death gecko
1282 life and death gecko
1281 life and death gecko
1279 life and death gecko
1261 life and death adum
1232 endgame adum
1212 tesuji unkx80
1206 life and death unkx80
1203 life and death Spica
1201 tesuji hello
1195 life and death Spica
1158 tesuji bass
1110 life and death BigMetalGuy
1082 life and death adum
1077 life and death adum
1072 tesuji ehubin
1059 tesuji Spirit
1057 life and death Fletcher
1039 fuseki Spirit
1038 fuseki Spirit
1037 fuseki Spirit
1036 fuseki Spirit
1035 fuseki Spirit
1034 fuseki Spirit
1024 life and death Hans
1023 tesuji Hans
1019 endgame Hans
1010 best move Hans
979 life and death adum
969 tesuji marcin
958 tesuji marcin
910 life and death Spirit
909 life and death adum
883 life and death Hans
851 tesuji unkx80
810 life and death Daniel
791 life and death adum
776 fuseki Spirit
732 life and death Daniel
723 life and death Daniel
695 tesuji Spirit
690 life and death adum
667 life and death Spirit
656 life and death adum
633 life and death unkx80
627 life and death unkx80
626 life and death unkx80
529 life and death adum
514 life and death Spirit
506 life and death adum
493 life and death adum
483 life and death Spirit
411 life and death adum
380 life and death morten
370 life and death Andre Engels
361 tesuji adum
343 joseki adum
293 life and death adum
266 tesuji adum
249 life and death adum
214 tesuji Spirit
210 life and death adum
68 life and death adum

Edits by gedh2

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