Author yosihiro Created 2011-06-09
Difficulty 20 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 32 sec Stars 4.26  (19 votes)
User attempts 3994 / 8337 Collections yosihiro
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
Similar problems
Created 2011-06-09
Source N/A
Stars 4.26  (19 votes)
Collections yosihiro
Your attempts N/A
This feature allows you to explore how other users have tried to solve this problem. The number appearing in an intersection shows how many people went down that particular path. As well as being nice for curiosity's sake, this feature also shows problem creators where they might need to add more explanations of why certain moves don't work.
User Attempts
Name When Result Path
KDS 2024-10-02 13:03:58 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Mysteryflight 2024-10-01 07:37:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
famik 2024-09-27 20:18:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Ukurza 2024-09-27 16:25:44 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-09-27 13:28:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
lkshn 2024-09-27 05:25:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-27 02:58:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-26 22:56:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-26 17:31:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-26 13:03:23 Failed S1 S2
Duy1180 2024-09-25 18:51:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ajiweaver 2024-09-25 18:25:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-25 16:58:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
CuTy 2024-09-24 14:28:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
teerap 2024-09-24 10:15:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-20 05:58:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
goticzuk 2024-09-19 16:45:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
harunohappy 2024-09-18 14:20:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
harunohappy 2024-09-18 14:19:39 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-09-17 23:13:15 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-09-17 23:09:09 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-09-15 14:48:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
lhgphuc1996 2024-09-14 17:57:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-14 14:37:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-14 14:33:40 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Silibili 2024-09-14 11:16:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
qwewrty 2024-09-13 22:04:34 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2024-09-13 19:21:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-13 14:50:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-12 07:31:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
hiroanan 2024-09-10 01:43:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
hiroanan 2024-09-10 00:28:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-07 20:37:14 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
khacminhpro123 2024-09-07 02:44:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-09-06 08:32:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
KDS 2024-09-05 13:36:05 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
bloodystupidjohnson 2024-09-05 11:14:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
jrivard 2024-09-05 01:07:11 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
cnm48 2024-09-04 18:03:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
cnm48 2024-09-04 18:03:43 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
RuanYuquiuJin 2024-09-04 14:33:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Jablan 2024-09-04 12:38:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Jablan 2024-09-04 12:38:35 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
RuanYuquiuJin 2024-09-04 03:26:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-31 11:09:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Haze 2024-08-30 18:45:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ranka 2024-08-30 08:04:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kolbango 2024-08-29 22:29:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Zobbe 2024-08-29 17:10:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
guilao 2024-08-29 08:01:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Sam_mantha 2024-08-28 17:51:50 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-08-28 14:02:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-27 17:55:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
HuyLuong 2024-08-26 15:23:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
p_implies_q 2024-08-22 22:00:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
tooldfordan 2024-08-21 13:58:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-19 09:50:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-18 17:13:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
teerap 2024-08-16 07:53:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-14 10:25:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-12 17:20:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-10 15:19:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-10 12:43:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Kietbadukk 2024-08-10 01:07:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-09 14:40:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hydra3107 2024-08-09 06:06:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
DoubleU 2024-08-08 18:19:34 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2024-08-08 16:20:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Daodo 2024-08-08 10:21:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
teerap 2024-08-08 04:21:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hydra3107 2024-08-05 17:22:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-05 13:03:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-04 18:17:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hydra3107 2024-08-04 03:48:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-03 08:25:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-08-01 22:27:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hydra3107 2024-08-01 04:55:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Daodo 2024-07-31 10:14:07 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-30 13:19:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-28 19:57:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-27 16:02:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-26 14:07:28 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-07-26 13:05:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-26 13:05:20 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
singo712 2024-07-26 11:14:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-25 00:04:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-24 03:06:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
migoel 2024-07-23 10:02:16 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2024-07-20 16:49:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-18 04:59:46 Failed S1 R2 S2
2024-07-16 06:35:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ArsenLupin 2024-07-15 10:07:53 Failed Q3
ArsenLupin 2024-07-15 10:07:39 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
ArsenLupin 2024-07-15 10:07:15 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-07-15 09:52:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-14 12:05:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
KDS 2024-07-13 12:45:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
f3to 2024-07-11 15:09:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-08 23:10:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-07-07 18:19:23 Failed R2 S1
2024-07-07 14:21:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
singo912 2024-07-06 01:36:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
gomaatje 2024-07-05 21:30:37 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
Jameslolly 2024-07-02 11:34:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kotaro88 2024-07-01 20:52:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-06-30 09:27:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-06-30 07:31:22 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-06-30 04:51:58 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
unagi 2024-06-30 00:21:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-06-26 10:15:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
unagi 2024-06-25 11:57:49 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-06-22 21:00:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-06-19 20:34:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
unagi 2024-06-19 12:39:45 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Piwh 2024-06-17 10:38:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
singo1481 2024-06-16 11:46:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
singo1481 2024-06-16 11:44:13 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Stefan#565457 2024-06-10 10:42:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Stefan#565457 2024-06-10 10:42:40 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
malabi 2024-06-08 08:13:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Stefan#565457 2024-06-06 10:36:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
TANJIRO KO 2024-06-03 08:57:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
TANJIRO KO 2024-06-03 08:57:46 Failed R2 S1
Ducksinoir 2024-06-03 07:09:26 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-05-31 17:09:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-31 02:54:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-27 23:32:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-27 21:07:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
pektezol 2024-05-27 15:52:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-26 15:07:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-25 03:15:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-22 16:27:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-19 03:22:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
malabi 2024-05-16 20:56:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Free_cheese 2024-05-16 20:49:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
DongDongDong 2024-05-13 22:19:18 Failed R3 S1 R2
Piwh 2024-05-11 10:38:07 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-10 14:53:43 Failed R2 S1
2024-05-10 14:53:12 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2024-05-09 15:09:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-07 20:12:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-07 10:40:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-06 12:08:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-05-04 14:00:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-05-04 06:39:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Ducksinoir 2024-05-02 05:17:53 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-05-01 20:27:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SlappyTappy 2024-04-30 23:20:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
PierreC 2024-04-25 11:49:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-25 05:36:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-23 17:24:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-23 13:25:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
MrSnail 2024-04-22 23:48:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Okitanosai 2024-04-22 17:23:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Okitanosai 2024-04-22 17:17:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Erastofen 2024-04-22 14:20:39 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-04-18 14:41:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
duskymountain 2024-04-17 23:09:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bloodystupidjohnson 2024-04-17 19:39:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-16 13:55:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-15 14:48:14 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Msilence 2024-04-14 08:16:51 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
aztsh 2024-04-13 03:28:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-11 14:03:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
NazomeAldo 2024-04-08 13:05:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-08 09:40:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-07 22:14:23 Failed T1
Free_cheese 2024-04-07 21:30:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-07 19:34:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-07 08:18:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-07 08:16:39 Failed R1
2024-04-05 15:30:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-04 23:52:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Shadow Strider 2024-04-04 23:11:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-04 21:40:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-04 20:45:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Vakalin 2024-04-04 09:15:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-04 00:22:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-02 09:03:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-04-01 09:06:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
qwewrty 2024-03-31 18:16:55 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-03-29 19:36:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-28 09:39:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-28 05:35:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-27 16:21:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Frieren 2024-03-26 07:31:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
AdoApo90 2024-03-25 17:29:08 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Grottoto 2024-03-25 10:19:40 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
:go 2024-03-25 05:37:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-24 23:40:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-24 12:17:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-23 23:13:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-03-23 19:44:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
duskymountain 2024-03-23 11:46:45 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
dipi 2024-03-22 01:38:25 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:21 Failed R3 S1 R1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:11 Failed S1 R2 S2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:08 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:03 Failed R2 S1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:16:00 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:15:49 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:15:43 Failed S2 R3 S1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:15:39 Failed S2 R3 R1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:15:35 Failed S2 R3 Q3
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:15:31 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:50 Failed R2 S1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:48 Failed R3 S1 R2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:41 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:33 Failed Q3
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:27 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:21 Failed S2 R3 Q3
denisbel 2024-03-18 10:13:17 Failed R3 S1 Q3 S2
SlappyTappy 2024-03-17 06:35:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-17 03:36:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-16 07:55:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-03-16 00:56:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-15 23:57:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-15 19:25:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-15 16:22:38 Failed S2 R3 T1
2024-03-15 08:14:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-14 15:24:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-14 13:31:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-13 17:13:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SlappyTappy 2024-03-13 06:10:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
GoBaduk 2024-03-13 06:06:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-12 15:18:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
fenton 2024-03-12 15:14:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-11 23:31:06 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-09 18:35:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
MrPast4 2024-03-09 15:11:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-08 18:16:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-08 16:38:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-08 00:52:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-03-07 15:38:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
dipi 2024-03-07 07:12:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ 2024-03-06 20:04:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-03-05 22:36:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-05 17:40:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-05 16:47:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-03-04 01:50:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-03 21:50:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-03 13:20:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SlappyTappy 2024-03-03 05:08:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-02 19:38:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-03-01 00:57:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-29 16:39:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Feidrr 2024-02-28 14:05:35 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-02-28 09:15:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-28 07:35:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
:go 2024-02-27 18:12:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-26 23:25:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
dmok 2024-02-26 21:00:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-25 22:57:39 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-02-25 19:07:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-25 01:21:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-24 22:34:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Princelina 2024-02-24 10:41:26 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Princelina 2024-02-24 10:38:43 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2024-02-23 12:51:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kapybara 2024-02-23 06:31:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ 2024-02-22 17:11:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SRBerus 2024-02-22 15:18:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SRBerus 2024-02-22 11:16:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-22 09:11:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-22 09:00:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
SRBerus 2024-02-22 03:30:47 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
pntbr 2024-02-22 00:21:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-21 20:05:10 Failed R3 S1 R2
2024-02-21 20:04:30 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
:go 2024-02-21 19:29:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
trickplay 2024-02-21 18:26:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-21 10:31:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-21 10:23:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Free_cheese 2024-02-20 19:56:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ 2024-02-20 18:47:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-20 08:17:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
MingPlaysGames 2024-02-20 01:36:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
NickBee 2024-02-19 23:14:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
dubiusaji 2024-02-19 12:22:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Leo67 2024-02-18 10:24:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-18 08:03:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
go4theeyes 2024-02-17 03:03:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
go4theeyes 2024-02-16 20:26:08 Failed S1 R2 R1
go4theeyes 2024-02-16 18:00:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-16 01:29:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-15 03:27:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-15 00:22:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-13 17:16:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-13 17:15:53 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-13 17:15:20 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
Takamura 2024-02-12 15:55:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-11 17:56:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-11 08:13:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-07 20:07:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-04 16:42:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Quill 2024-02-01 20:38:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-02-01 16:37:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-23 19:52:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-23 19:42:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kohai 2024-01-19 22:16:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-17 09:01:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-17 06:24:14 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2024-01-17 04:44:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-16 10:33:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-16 08:07:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-15 19:29:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-15 18:38:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-15 07:54:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kohai 2024-01-12 22:10:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-10 17:24:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-10 17:22:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-08 09:57:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-08 06:06:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-06 19:30:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-05 15:28:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
rogueur 2024-01-05 14:09:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2024-01-05 12:30:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
TheFoolZero 2024-01-04 04:08:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
camminvago 2023-12-31 17:55:04 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-12-31 02:57:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-12-30 09:58:44 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-12-30 05:49:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-12-23 21:01:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-12-22 04:57:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-12-21 12:26:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-12-05 08:53:05 Failed S1 R2 S2
2023-12-05 08:22:56 Failed Q3
2023-12-04 17:30:58 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-12-02 06:16:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-29 11:05:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-27 07:46:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-24 02:03:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-22 13:56:42 Failed Q3
2023-11-22 10:24:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-21 14:13:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-21 08:47:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-15 01:43:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-10 08:46:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-08 01:45:39 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2023-11-05 09:09:08 Failed R1
2023-11-04 10:39:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-11-04 10:35:20 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-11-04 10:01:58 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-10-31 15:57:07 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-10-29 17:14:25 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-10-27 06:15:49 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-10-23 09:09:43 Failed S1 R2 Q3
2023-10-01 13:55:36 Failed R3 S1 R1
2023-09-02 04:49:13 Failed S1 R2 T2
2023-08-24 23:28:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-08-24 22:03:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-08-24 14:05:41 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-08-19 09:16:44 Failed R2 S1
2023-07-27 09:33:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-07-24 15:33:27 Failed S1 R2 T2
2023-06-28 02:16:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-06-19 17:49:30 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-06-14 08:57:29 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2023-06-10 11:35:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-06-06 12:50:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-06-05 17:13:22 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-06-04 23:56:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-05-31 15:04:48 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-05-27 05:22:45 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
whiplash 2023-05-15 19:48:37 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-05-12 16:24:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-05-10 13:02:02 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-05-04 15:44:28 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-04-27 13:40:00 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2023-04-23 20:27:21 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-04-14 17:41:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-04-12 05:35:54 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-04-12 00:53:44 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2023-04-05 15:37:29 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-04-01 10:58:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-27 12:52:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-27 09:23:34 Failed S2 R3 T1
2023-03-25 02:58:48 Failed S1 R2 T1
2023-03-16 03:10:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-15 21:37:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-14 15:24:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-14 03:53:56 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-03-11 19:32:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-07 19:45:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-03-01 07:27:33 Failed S1 R2 Q3
2023-02-26 02:19:00 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-02-25 20:09:02 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-02-24 22:08:11 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-02-18 05:23:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2023-02-11 17:51:54 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-02-09 05:15:06 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-02-03 01:58:38 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2023-01-30 13:13:32 Failed S1 R2 S2
2023-01-06 12:41:02 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2023-01-05 18:40:56 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2023-01-03 14:25:08 Failed S1 R2 T2
2023-01-02 19:42:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-12-25 17:55:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-12-24 05:59:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-12-13 12:01:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-12-07 18:51:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-12-07 06:18:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-11-28 10:44:43 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2022-11-25 15:20:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-11-24 12:58:34 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2022-09-28 01:31:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-08-01 16:08:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-07-21 15:50:44 Failed S2 R3 S1
2022-06-06 18:21:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2022-05-18 18:50:29 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2022-03-21 08:59:09 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
2022-02-19 04:20:29 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2021-12-18 15:23:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-12-06 10:38:39 Failed S1 R2 T2
2021-11-26 00:16:50 Failed S1 R2 T2
2021-10-02 15:53:39 Failed S1 R2 T2
2021-09-11 19:23:12 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2021-09-04 12:55:04 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2021-09-03 13:21:14 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2021-08-18 20:14:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-08-15 10:08:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-07-01 18:03:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-05-01 17:29:37 Failed R2 S1
2021-03-30 21:58:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-03-14 06:11:30 Failed S1 R2 R1
2021-03-02 10:18:49 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2021-02-24 13:27:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2021-02-07 22:09:03 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2021-02-06 23:44:21 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2021-02-02 15:58:39 Failed S1 R2 T2
2020-12-01 16:31:42 Failed R2 S1
2020-11-16 20:46:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-11-07 15:38:15 Failed R2 S1
2020-10-18 21:54:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-10-12 18:25:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-10-03 21:54:00 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2020-10-03 17:17:16 Failed R2 S1
2020-09-26 20:44:34 Failed R2 S1
2020-09-03 00:54:14 Failed R2 S1
2020-07-03 08:15:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
jgmoebus 2020-07-02 13:45:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-07-01 21:15:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-06-19 21:04:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-06-12 13:31:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-05-23 19:31:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-04-28 16:46:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-04-26 14:46:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-04-19 21:31:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-04-19 16:20:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2020-04-17 19:14:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2020-04-16 21:12:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2020-04-14 21:55:52 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-04-07 07:57:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-03-24 04:37:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2020-03-18 07:03:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-03-06 20:27:24 Failed S1 R2 T2
2020-03-02 14:18:24 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2020-02-14 04:29:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Traderjoe56 2020-02-02 09:41:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-01-26 11:17:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-01-24 13:39:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2020-01-10 01:19:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Cesco84 2019-12-11 19:06:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-10-24 19:55:36 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2019-09-13 15:54:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2019-08-22 22:38:22 Failed S1 R2 R1
2019-08-06 05:31:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-08-04 16:41:00 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2019-07-25 16:06:53 Failed S2 R3 T1
bruno Lecaille 2019-07-17 21:33:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-07-15 12:20:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-06-25 02:09:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-06-03 12:22:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Kokufuu86 2019-05-29 11:44:41 Failed S1 R2 S2
2019-04-08 22:29:19 Failed R3 S1 T1
2019-04-02 07:03:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2019-02-02 06:25:47 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2019-01-24 22:31:23 Failed S1 R2 S2
2019-01-23 22:21:52 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
bruno Lecaille 2019-01-01 21:37:10 Failed R2 S1
2019-01-01 07:55:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-12-19 17:03:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-11-29 12:40:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-11-26 04:16:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-11-17 00:20:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-11-15 20:01:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-11-05 19:41:50 Failed S1 R2 S2
LCZLAPINSKI 2018-10-12 05:31:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-10-06 11:24:35 Failed S2 R3 T1
2018-08-18 14:38:12 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-08-09 07:39:05 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-08-06 10:08:33 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-07-25 10:00:59 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-07-22 12:50:44 Failed R2 S1
2018-07-16 16:49:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ena 2018-07-04 05:23:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-06-03 14:35:26 Failed R2 S1
2018-05-28 16:10:50 Failed S2 R3 S1
jgmoebus 2018-05-05 15:13:06 Failed R2 S1
LCZLAPINSKI 2018-04-25 04:48:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-04-24 20:05:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-04-14 22:52:39 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-04-11 20:06:39 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2018-04-03 08:20:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-04-02 16:40:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-03-20 18:33:34 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-03-17 06:05:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-03-14 09:53:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-03-11 20:28:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-03-11 14:40:33 Failed S2 R3 T1
jgmoebus 2018-02-26 10:17:56 Failed R2 S1
2018-02-24 18:26:04 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-02-21 12:58:14 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-02-20 15:05:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-02-15 16:47:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-02-13 15:55:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
mnhg 2018-02-09 22:13:42 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2018-02-08 17:43:19 Failed R3 S1 R1
Cesco84 2018-01-29 13:40:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
visii 2018-01-26 16:03:39 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2018-01-15 21:06:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-01-09 21:45:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-01-08 22:41:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2018-01-02 11:25:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-12-27 10:10:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
mnhg 2017-12-26 13:49:08 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2017-12-20 14:45:37 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2017-11-23 13:15:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-11-16 10:24:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-11-09 21:02:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-11-04 07:56:53 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2017-10-08 10:39:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-10-07 05:54:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-10-05 12:26:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-09-07 11:52:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-09-02 09:27:46 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2017-08-29 20:55:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ZSporcic 2017-08-22 21:30:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-08-20 23:12:13 Failed S2 R3 R1
2017-08-15 16:46:32 Failed S1 R2 T2
2017-08-14 20:54:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Cesco84 2017-08-10 05:31:19 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-08-06 20:12:35 Failed S1 R2 T2
2017-08-06 10:21:58 Failed R2 S1
2017-08-01 07:58:04 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2017-07-27 00:13:58 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2017-07-18 23:06:30 Failed S1 R2 T2
2017-07-13 09:10:52 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2017-07-12 18:14:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-07-06 01:30:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-06-29 20:11:54 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2017-06-29 01:52:34 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
albatrost 2017-06-26 13:11:57 Failed Q3
Cesco84 2017-06-01 21:42:22 Failed S1 R2 S2
2017-05-21 13:24:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-05-20 11:42:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-05-19 13:59:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-05-17 22:49:57 Failed R2 S1
2017-04-24 15:56:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-04-11 22:02:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-04-03 20:32:34 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2017-04-03 09:28:15 Failed R2 S1
2017-03-23 18:17:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-03-23 13:43:26 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2017-03-16 11:32:31 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2017-03-10 09:06:25 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2017-03-08 20:48:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-02-25 21:00:13 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2017-01-31 19:02:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2017-01-18 14:02:03 Failed R2 S1
2016-12-31 17:52:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-12-31 17:48:02 Failed S1 R2 S2
2016-12-18 11:45:13 Failed S1 R2 S2
2016-12-09 11:35:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-11-07 22:15:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-11-07 21:28:07 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-10-23 20:41:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Geijin 2016-09-25 13:29:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-09-07 11:26:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-09-01 11:43:27 Failed S2 R3 T1
2016-08-27 08:55:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
davdunc 2016-07-11 01:40:50 Failed R2 S1
2016-06-24 21:34:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-06-20 00:29:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-06-15 11:05:47 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-06-15 00:19:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hunyt 2016-06-13 17:18:36 Failed S1 R2 S2
2016-06-09 14:32:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
festosoon 2016-05-27 18:39:16 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-05-24 20:26:29 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-05-24 18:13:15 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
2016-05-23 16:19:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-05-18 17:52:31 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2016-05-15 11:56:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-05-08 18:19:35 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-05-06 23:24:38 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-05-04 16:49:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-05-04 14:41:12 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-05-01 07:53:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-04-22 06:17:25 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-04-01 20:44:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-03-29 13:23:20 Failed R2 S1
2016-03-25 16:42:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-03-14 23:03:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-03-08 04:40:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-03-06 21:29:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-02-23 17:47:26 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-02-22 11:45:39 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
johnfire 2016-02-20 15:34:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-02-16 18:22:53 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2016-02-14 23:38:19 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2016-02-07 14:46:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-02-04 16:59:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-02-03 08:32:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-01-31 21:07:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-01-31 18:12:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-01-25 16:55:28 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2016-01-19 10:13:25 Failed R2 S1
2016-01-10 12:05:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2016-01-09 16:39:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2016-01-02 08:58:00 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2015-12-26 22:11:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-12-10 16:52:55 Failed S2 R3 T1
2015-12-10 04:30:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-12-08 20:59:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-12-06 10:18:23 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2015-11-29 15:24:52 Failed R2 S1
2015-11-27 20:31:25 Failed S1 R2 T2
StevenF 2015-11-24 14:28:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-11-22 19:26:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
MagTux 2015-11-12 05:51:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
manslay 2015-11-11 06:37:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2015-11-09 14:48:36 Failed R2 S1
2015-11-05 17:22:21 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
shamerrus 2015-11-02 09:57:35 Failed R2 S1
2015-11-01 13:30:21 Failed Q3
ablauf 2015-10-31 19:59:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2015-10-30 12:27:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-10-23 10:58:59 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2015-10-12 08:24:03 Failed S1 R2 S2
2015-10-10 21:25:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
StevenF 2015-10-05 08:15:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-09-29 06:28:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
shamerrus 2015-09-23 14:08:58 Failed R2 S1
2015-09-20 19:42:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-09-13 20:29:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-08-30 18:18:23 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2015-08-21 22:23:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-08-15 08:07:32 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-08-04 15:24:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-07-11 09:18:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-07-09 21:20:02 Failed R2 S1
2015-07-03 02:08:08 Failed R2 S1
StevenF 2015-06-22 08:23:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-06-21 18:03:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-06-17 05:23:09 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2015-06-14 14:41:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-05-23 10:37:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-05-20 14:28:53 Failed S1 R2 Q3
2015-05-08 05:21:43 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2015-05-05 09:49:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-05-03 05:01:51 Failed Q3
2015-05-02 14:19:30 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2015-04-21 20:52:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
WTD 2015-04-17 23:18:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-04-11 05:13:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-04-03 18:24:55 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2015-03-24 14:25:17 Failed S1 R2 S2
2015-03-23 18:32:15 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2015-03-22 21:37:09 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2015-03-12 13:03:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-03-12 08:04:13 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2015-03-12 07:18:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-03-10 03:14:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
peri4n 2015-03-04 18:57:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Hallwill 2015-02-28 09:12:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-23 12:59:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-18 04:17:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-17 13:19:12 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2015-02-15 10:14:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-13 00:20:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-12 17:02:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-02-10 01:01:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-01-27 16:01:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-01-20 13:43:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-01-07 18:44:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-01-07 18:17:54 Failed S1 R2 S2
iopq 2015-01-04 01:09:51 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2015-01-01 03:30:03 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-12-31 06:34:07 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Zwom 2014-12-30 02:27:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-12-23 03:46:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-12-23 02:58:35 Failed R2 S1
2014-12-21 20:24:11 Failed Q3
2014-12-20 21:04:40 Failed S2 R3 T1
2014-12-18 09:04:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-12-17 12:58:00 Failed S1 R2 S2
2014-12-12 05:50:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-12-01 19:32:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-11-30 18:12:41 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
rubenmoor 2014-11-29 12:07:01 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-11-11 10:16:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-11-08 00:04:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-11-03 00:48:07 Failed S1 R2 S2
2014-10-29 14:21:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-10-27 00:38:09 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-10-24 20:17:27 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-10-24 19:50:23 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2014-10-20 22:31:11 Failed S2 R3 T1
doswanson 2014-10-13 22:42:53 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
doswanson 2014-10-07 00:41:29 Failed Q3
2014-10-04 17:52:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-30 15:48:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-29 22:38:25 Failed S1 R2 R1
2014-09-29 11:46:43 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-09-24 13:09:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-23 14:45:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-20 23:01:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-15 22:22:48 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
Bellepayre 2014-09-15 17:46:19 Failed Q3
2014-09-12 20:13:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-12 14:11:59 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-09-10 11:44:23 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-09-10 08:01:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-09 01:15:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-09-08 13:41:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-09-05 08:07:18 Failed R3 S1 R2
2014-08-19 18:11:59 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-08-17 20:40:36 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-08-13 03:21:18 Failed R2 S1
2014-08-12 18:16:47 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-08-10 20:02:03 Failed R2 S1
pento 2014-08-10 10:33:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-08-10 03:51:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-08-09 20:13:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-08-07 08:54:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-08-03 20:30:07 Failed R2 S1
2014-07-29 02:41:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-07-27 12:55:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Yanluowang 2014-07-27 10:13:18 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2014-07-24 13:17:54 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-07-21 14:53:58 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
Calel 2014-07-19 13:31:09 Failed S1 R2 S2
Bellepayre 2014-07-17 16:08:06 Failed R2 S1
2014-07-09 13:58:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-07-06 17:15:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-06-30 08:41:50 Failed S1 R2 T2
2014-06-21 14:03:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-06-20 04:51:16 Failed R2 S1
2014-06-18 18:57:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-06-15 13:08:44 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-06-11 16:32:32 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2014-06-09 19:24:32 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 R1 T1
2014-06-07 07:10:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-06-04 13:41:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-06-03 19:21:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-31 02:47:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-29 23:58:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
route67 2014-05-28 01:34:08 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2014-05-27 19:30:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-26 09:38:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
Arvoitusmies 2014-05-19 11:48:07 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-12 15:10:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-11 05:22:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-05-09 15:09:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-05-09 08:28:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-04-28 16:47:29 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2014-04-22 11:53:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-04-15 10:55:42 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
kale 2014-04-04 13:11:37 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-04-02 15:03:20 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-04-01 13:59:43 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-31 21:30:52 Failed S1 R2 R1
2014-03-31 11:18:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-03-23 15:40:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-23 05:10:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-21 12:31:11 Failed S1 R2 S2
kale 2014-03-20 14:24:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-19 09:40:55 Failed R2 S1
2014-03-18 19:05:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-18 08:26:20 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-03-16 02:10:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-11 03:49:57 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-03-09 18:31:39 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-03-06 13:02:07 Failed S1 R2 R1
2014-03-06 11:27:24 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-02-10 16:24:25 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-02-09 08:06:55 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
2014-02-09 05:02:18 Failed R2 S1
2014-02-09 04:57:31 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2014-02-08 12:37:43 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-02-06 17:34:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-02-02 09:30:31 Failed R2 S1
2014-01-22 19:48:23 Failed S1 R2 T2
2014-01-20 19:35:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-01-17 07:52:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-01-16 22:23:33 Failed R2 S1
2014-01-14 16:14:30 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2014-01-14 13:16:05 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2014-01-12 12:17:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-01-10 11:27:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-01-09 15:11:09 Failed R3 S1 T1
2014-01-09 08:42:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2014-01-04 02:58:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2014-01-03 16:58:07 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-31 19:07:01 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2013-12-28 16:42:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-27 14:46:05 Failed S1 R2 S2
Feldrin 2013-12-26 06:14:08 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-12-26 04:16:16 Failed R2 S1
2013-12-22 11:52:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-22 09:23:59 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-12-22 00:43:33 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-17 08:41:35 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-12-17 01:44:41 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-10 12:23:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-06 11:42:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-06 11:41:09 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-12-06 04:33:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-12-01 07:15:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-29 07:00:21 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2013-11-29 02:22:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-28 10:11:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-27 02:52:42 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-11-26 06:48:40 Failed S1 R2 R1
2013-11-24 09:55:30 Failed R2 S1
2013-11-17 23:52:14 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-14 13:52:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-13 11:43:49 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-11-13 10:04:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-09 13:11:08 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-11-05 12:41:20 Failed R2 S1
2013-11-05 09:06:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-11-02 06:10:03 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2013-10-30 15:03:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-10-30 06:27:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-28 11:54:42 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-27 22:59:31 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-10-27 16:07:52 Failed R2 S1
2013-10-20 19:57:02 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
redned 2013-10-19 21:29:57 Failed S1 R2 S2
2013-10-16 13:40:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-15 19:34:28 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-15 05:19:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-10-12 12:39:02 Failed R2 S1
2013-10-08 19:07:06 Failed S1 R2 S2
2013-10-06 05:24:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-05 14:17:03 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-10-05 09:41:56 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-02 13:32:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-10-01 14:00:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-30 13:12:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-30 10:36:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-29 17:45:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-29 13:38:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-26 13:35:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-25 17:59:04 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2013-09-25 15:34:56 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-09-24 22:01:17 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-09-23 14:39:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-21 16:54:58 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-17 11:27:59 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
t101jv 2013-09-16 13:16:14 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
novicenovice 2013-09-16 12:38:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
novicenovice 2013-09-16 12:22:44 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
jaguarondi 2013-09-16 04:04:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
t101jv 2013-09-13 14:22:53 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2013-09-10 09:02:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-09-10 03:05:52 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
2013-09-05 15:06:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-28 07:05:42 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
einSTein 2013-08-28 01:13:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-27 03:20:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-08-26 23:49:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
ErikM 2013-08-23 21:27:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-22 06:58:48 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-08-21 15:37:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-21 11:41:36 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
2013-08-17 11:21:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
himawari 2013-08-17 08:58:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-15 14:48:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
Ab_shcherbakov 2013-08-13 01:51:11 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-10 17:36:57 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Vose 2013-08-09 08:45:41 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Jobie 2013-08-06 15:20:04 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
squip 2013-08-04 20:06:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-08-03 04:24:06 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-07-31 13:44:41 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
Ab_shcherbakov 2013-07-30 17:06:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Wuzzler 2013-07-30 14:34:02 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-07-30 04:22:26 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2013-07-30 00:58:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Jobie 2013-07-25 16:03:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-07-20 15:16:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Jobie 2013-07-20 09:28:07 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-07-10 07:02:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-07-07 19:48:48 Failed S2 R3 T1
2013-07-05 11:32:27 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-07-02 15:18:36 Failed R2 S1
2013-06-26 09:36:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-06-25 10:00:37 Failed S1 R2 S2
2013-06-25 09:59:25 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-06-25 07:59:57 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2013-06-24 13:04:25 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
2013-06-23 13:55:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-06-18 23:49:50 Failed R2 S1
2013-06-18 12:34:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
MC469MA 2013-06-16 00:30:55 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-06-14 04:51:01 Failed S2 R3 T1
2013-06-13 19:37:53 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-06-13 07:28:20 Failed R2 S1
2013-06-12 09:51:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-06-08 13:38:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-06-01 05:39:16 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-05-31 14:50:06 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
nico59 2013-05-27 05:21:46 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
bencake 2013-05-23 11:07:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-16 11:49:12 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-11 20:37:56 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-05-11 18:17:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-11 08:45:29 Failed S2 R3 T1
kale 2013-05-09 03:23:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-05-08 01:46:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-07 09:45:51 Failed R2 S1
2013-05-04 22:42:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-05-04 22:29:18 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-04 14:52:23 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
nico59 2013-05-04 08:39:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-05-02 02:55:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-05-01 07:36:06 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
kale 2013-04-29 13:05:15 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-04-29 04:47:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-04-28 07:57:15 Failed S1 R2 R1
2013-04-28 02:12:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
nico59 2013-04-28 01:39:13 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-04-26 14:36:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
nico59 2013-04-26 10:07:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-04-25 16:53:04 Failed R2 S1
d1skort 2013-04-25 04:14:15 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
kale 2013-04-23 12:04:35 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-04-21 14:19:25 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-04-21 06:00:10 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-04-20 06:27:52 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
kale 2013-04-19 23:54:44 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
nico59 2013-04-19 01:30:30 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-04-18 11:35:34 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-04-11 11:33:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
bobbysue 2013-04-11 09:58:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
nico59 2013-04-09 08:53:03 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-04-09 05:32:21 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-04-08 14:37:05 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
nico59 2013-04-08 07:14:41 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-04-08 02:00:43 Failed R2 S1
Skarfy 2013-04-07 16:45:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-04-07 02:57:37 Failed S2 R3 T1
2013-04-05 14:36:13 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-04-04 05:26:05 Failed S2 R3 S1
2013-04-03 13:52:41 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
kale 2013-03-31 06:51:08 Failed S1 R2 R1
2013-03-30 08:58:22 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-03-28 08:55:50 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-03-27 13:55:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-03-27 13:54:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
kale 2013-03-25 12:56:45 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-03-25 07:58:13 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-03-25 03:17:54 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-03-21 16:47:15 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
kale 2013-03-21 11:20:04 Failed T1
nico59 2013-03-21 10:39:59 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-03-20 14:18:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-03-19 14:52:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-03-18 02:49:30 Failed R2 S1
2013-03-16 13:23:54 Failed R3 S1 R1
2013-03-16 10:50:52 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-03-15 00:47:13 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
Ab_shcherbakov 2013-03-14 23:07:02 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-03-13 09:55:49 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
mahfouz 2013-03-12 15:57:24 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
2013-03-09 09:31:17 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-03-06 00:43:40 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
boson 2013-02-27 12:06:27 Failed S1 R2 S2
Victorchan 2013-02-26 14:14:38 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-24 11:02:42 Failed S1 R2 S2
2013-02-24 10:12:04 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
2013-02-23 13:20:19 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-22 22:27:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-20 15:44:25 Failed R2 S1
2013-02-18 12:04:48 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-15 23:27:36 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-02-10 19:57:29 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
rubenmoor 2013-02-08 04:03:30 Failed R2 S1
2013-02-07 12:46:09 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-06 16:02:31 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
2013-02-03 10:49:25 Failed R2 S1
Ab_shcherbakov 2013-01-29 18:49:21 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
2013-01-29 09:58:04 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
2013-01-26 15:13:59 Failed R2 S1
2013-01-25 15:17:14 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
Count Result Path
584 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
216 Got It S1 R2 R3 Q3
136 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 T1 T2
66 Failed R2 S1
54 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 T1 T2
47 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 S2
29 Failed S1 R2 S2
19 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R1
14 Failed S1 R2 T2
13 Failed S2 R3 T1
12 Failed Q3
12 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 R1
11 Failed R3 S1 S2 Q3 R2 T1
9 Failed S1 R2 R1
8 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3
5 Failed S1 R2 R3 Q3 T2
5 Failed S2 R3 S1
5 Failed R1
4 Failed R3 S1 R1
4 Failed R3 S1 R2
3 Failed T1
3 Failed R3 S1 Q3 S2
3 Failed S1 R2 Q3
2 Failed R3 S1 T1
2 Failed S2 R3 R1
2 Failed S2 R3 Q3
1 Failed R3 S1 T2
1 Failed S2 R3 R2 S1 R1 T1
1 Failed S1 R2 T1
1 Failed S1 S2